Monthly Update September 2017

Every Summers end leads to the beginning of a new season. This month is called September. For some it is back to school and for adults it is back to work or it is where everyone comes back to the changes of life once again.

From the changes of Summer come what will be Fall and September is the beginning of this. The Summer gave us time to reevaluate what projects and goals we will accomplish. For me, I took this time to take care of many doctor appointments that needed to be taken care of. It was time to take care of my health. With many appointments, I now have new glasses, set up appointment for dentist and took care of other appointments as well.

Also, this was a month to take care of bills. I made a payment that was plaguing me this Summer and I am just about caught up with my Verizon bill. I still don’t have a new phone, but I am getting there.

I still have bills like everyone else and still have more appointments next month, but I set up what I need to set up and prepared myself for the Fall. I have my work cut out ahead of me, but I know I have momentum on my side handling matters.

I was going to do podcasting last month, but I wanted to get started around this time and September and do a Season Premiere. It is something that I will work for this coming season. I am planning on playing two up and coming musicians for work on my podcast. And I will promote my own stuff to. I am working on Sponsors for the show.

I plan on blogging more and I plan on working on my art work. I hope that I am able to sell some of my artwork and you touch base with me if you like especially for having gift ideas for Christmas.

This is an exciting season. Many things are going on. I am excited once again. I am exciting with the projects I will do. It brings me back to doing the things I used to do when I was happier.

I rebuilt best that I could where I feel like I am making movement and putting work into myself. But now there is more that I will do to improve in my life and I will get ready for the last quarter of the year.

2/3rds of the year is over. And now it’s time to show that I am improved better then I was last year. Running around like a wild horse. Somewhere the horse has to learn how to ride again and stir it’s course. Some things need to be changed, but once it’s guided the thoroughbred could once win again.

I will win once again. That is why I am optimistic. I am ready for Fall.

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